Result 1 - Quantitative study

Survey for Teachers

Transilvania University of Brașov in collaboration with Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), VID Specialized University (Norway) and the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany) is running the Digital Well-being in Higher Education project – Code 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032023 with the aim of developing an innovative strategy and resources to ensure the university professors’ well-being and performance in the context of the intensification of the use of technology in education. 

In this context, we invite you to participate in an international study aimed at the use of technology in higher education and at the professors’ well-being. Participating in the study involves completing a set of questions lasting approximately 20 minutes. Your answers are extremely important in order to identify the teachers’ needs related to the use of technology and to subsequently propose a training programme and support resources in accordance with them. Participation is anonymous. 

To complete the questionnaire, please access the following link: 

For additional information or comments, you can contact us online using the form

Survey for Students

Transilvania University of Brașov in collaboration with Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), VID Specialized University (Norway) and the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany) is running the Digital Well-being in Higher Education project – Code 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032023 with the aim of developing an innovative strategy and resources to ensure well-being in the context of the increasing use of technology in education.

In this context, we invite you to participate in an international study aimed at the use of technology in higher education and at the students’ well-being. Participating in the study involves completing a set of questions lasting approximately 20 minutes. Your answers are extremely important in order to identify the impact of technology on learning and to subsequently propose a training programme and resources to facilitate the implementation of new technologies in education. Participation is anonymous.

To complete the questionnaire, please access the following link:

For additional information or comments, you can contact us online using the form